15 November 2015


I woke up a little late in the morning Friday the 13th and as part of my usual routine, I checked my phone for any important messages, mostly from my boyfriend, and scanned my newsfeed. I use the social media as my daily newspaper. I follow most of the News Channel around the world and to my surprise, another horrific incident and event had happened again. The most popular that I saw and read was the attack in Paris followed by the earthquake in Japan. It is safe to say that that morning is the worst I have woken up. There were newscast, from around the world, about the terrorism attack in Paris. I watched as the numbers of casualties and deaths increased. Isis claimed it was there responsibility.

Everyone, including me, showed our sympathy and concern to those who were greatly affected in the attack and the earthquake. The social media became our platform. 

I witnessed how the world crumbled because of the attack. Everyone was completely and still completely devastated. Obama even gave a statement. Popular landmarks around the world lit up in the color of France as a symbol of mourning to their loss. Even Facebook have given people the chance to put the France flag as part of their profile picture. Like how it did during the fight for the same sex marriage,

With all of the news about Paris, most of the world have forgotten that Paris is not the only one under an attack. Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Beirut, Baghdad and some other countries are also under attack. These countries are as important as Paris. They, too, need our prayers and concern.

I was ashamed that I was selfish enough not to show sympathy and concern for them before. But I've realized, I am also a human and like everybody else, I depend on news channels to feed me the right informations. 

I'd like to show my deepest sympathy that these countries aforementioned that were not given such attention despite the tragedy that also happened to them. I'd like to send my prayers to them as well as my love and care.

I 'd like to take this moment to tell everyone that we should stop selective humanity. Everyone is in need of our prayers and love. The world needs equal distribution of love, care and sympathy. If we are gonna give these, we should give them to everyone.

Help me and the others spread the love and care for the world. Here are posts that were shared to me by my friends. I'd like everyone to take a moment read them. Give these a thought.


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