17 April 2016


Most people like me would definitely say that grooming your eyebrows is important. My favourite part of my face is my eyebrows. I first started grooming it when I entered college and Pete knows how hideous it looked. I was a complete amateur. No practice, just me being all experimental because you know, when you're in college you feel like you can do anything. So basically, I got curious about eyebrows and started doing mine. Filling and stuff. I even went to that moment in my life when I got my eyebrows plucked in a salon and it turned bad. It was thin and it didn't complement my features AND I spent quite a lot of money which wasn't worth it. Anyway, because of that experience I told myself that I gotta learn how to trim, shave and wax my eyebrows if I wanna have the result I want so I had a lot of practice.

I got better and better. Watching tutorials really helped a lot because they give you ideas on what products to use and how to apply them. In my opinion, it really doesn't matter what brand you use because it all boils down on how you use them because you could be using MAC or Anastasia and your eyebrows could still look ugly. Brand doesn't matter. How can I say that? Simple, because I'm a complete thrifty person and as much as possible I look for anything cheaper but you know, still worth the penny. My first eyebrow pencil that I bought was Nichido. It's like only more or less P100 which is cheap compared to other brands and I must say it works great. 

I used it for a long long time. I sometimes used the eyebrow powder kit of the same brand before it broke into million pieces. Lol.

In these pictures, I used the black shade of Nichido Eyebrow Pencil and Fashion 21 Eyebrow Clear Gel to put them into place. Everything was below P200 and if you have SMAC, you could avail like 10% discount, I think, given that it is on sale.

So my piece of advice to anyone who wants to have perfectly sculpted eyebrows out there, you don't need to spend too much on products, you just gotta know how to shape, fill and brush your eyebrows and you could make that eyebrows on fleek on such cheaper price.


Look at that eyebrows!

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